The latest TV Interview of YOGIST
The Media is talking about YOGIST
Take care of your heart gently: Yogist gives you in an article of Santé Magazine its advices and exercises to fight against stress.
On the International Women’s Day, Anne-Charlotte Vuccino speaks for Yogist in an article by SAP.iO Foundry Paris about women entrepreneurs.
“Corporate” yoga, a tool for well-being at work: Allo Alex highlights the Yogist method and the advice of Anne-Charlotte Vuccino, founder and CEO of Yogist, in an article dated January 21, 2021.
Challenges introduces the Yogist method, to regain health at ( remote ) work in an article dated January 19, 2021.
How to make remote working a performance lever: find Yogist in the futureofwork file and make your organization a Great Place to Work® France.
On parle de YOGIST dans le principal journal économique japonais, le Nikkei, comme « la nouvelle méthode française pour lutter contre le stress et les douleurs en entreprise »
Retrouvez l’interview de la fondatrice de YOGIST dans l’émission Circuits Courts sur Europe 1 du 29 septembre 2017. Le thème ? La Slow Life. Retrouvez le podcast ici.
Dans sa tribune publiée dans les Echos Start, la fondatrice de YOGIST vous raconte son expérience du festival Burning Man et son immersion parmi les startups de la Silicon Valley.
Le 6 septembre 2017, le Figaro Entrepreneurs a consacré un Portrait dans ses pages “Vie des entreprises” à YOGIST et sa fondatrice Anne-Charlotte Vuccino.